Monday, January 12, 2009

RedSn0w ???!!!

There are news that the Dev Team is up to something new !
The RedSn0w is a new project {To Us At Least}.
Did the Dev Team reach their ultimate goal, of reaching to the absolute unlock, which will work on all upcoming basebands, and Apple updates. Wish so!!
But that will mean that Apple will have to release a new iPhone AGAIN , OOOOOOH !!
When will they learn the lesson ?!

UPDATE: iPod Touch 2GGGGGGGG !!!!!!

To Be Continued .................................................


  1. Hello to you too and welcome.
    Your email caught my attention & then your touching story.
    Your birth was on the mid of November, and although mine was since my birth, but let me say I feel what you feel after the mid of last October.
    God bless you, & I wish you all the best.


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